Lease Vs. Own. Which Is Right For Your Business?

Should You Lease or Buy a Semi-Truck?

There are multiple factors for truck fleets to consider when deciding whether they should purchase or lease a semi-truck. Financial considerations, advancing technologies and technician shortages are all things to think about when making the choice to lease or purchase.

Lease Your Semi-Truck

Is your core business transportation? If not, a full-service lease may save your company time and money. It can be expensive to manage the maintenance schedule of a truck fleet. Outsourcing this to a full-service lease provider that has expert diesel service technicians and a network of facilities can lower the overall maintenance costs and increase fleet uptime. 

Fleet size, business type, tax rates and tax laws also are factors to think about, as it could make sense to own some trucks and lease others. The TLG Leasing & Rental team is available to provide a free consultation to help equip you with the best plan for your business.

Lower Upfront Cost

There are large upfront costs to consider when purchasing. With leasing, capital is freed up since there is no down payment or financing rates to consider. Additional costs when purchasing include IFTA, plates, local taxes and FET and can add up quickly.

Maintenance is Taken Care Of

We know that uptime is vital to each and every trucking business. Most leasing companies take care of preventative maintenance and repairs at no extra cost. TLG Leasing offers an expansive facilities network, qualified technicians, a 24-hour call center and a mobile service team ready to provide support on your turf.

Drive All the Newest Trucks

Leasing is a cost-effective way to drive the latest trucks with the most cutting-edge technology. It’s important that drivers have trucks that provide a comfortable interior and the latest safety features out on the road. You can always count on our fleet of Peterbilt trucks to provide the most up-to-date features.

Flexibility Depending on Your Needs

If you don’t need a truck anymore or your business needs change, leasing offers you the ability to change trucks or discontinue usage after the lease agreement is up. 

Buy Your Semi-Truck

Can Sell or Trade-In Your Truck

Buying requires a higher upfront cost but can be better financially in the long run and offer tax benefits, and you can sell or trade-in your truck when you’re done with it. Whether you decide leasing or buying is best for you, TLG is here to support you.

No Mileage Restrictions

You don’t have to worry about restrictions on mileage or other aspects of your truck normally present in lease agreements.

Customize Your Truck

When you own a truck, you can customize or upgrade it however you choose.

Tax Benefits

The depreciated value of your owned trucks is a tax write-off for your business, so you can save even more money.

Our goal is to help you maximize the value of your transportation resources and make the best decision for your business when it comes to choosing to lease or own. Contact the TLG Leasing & Rental team today for a free consultation.

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